An innocent love. A Poem wrote with much yearning and little talent.

An innocent love

The most beautiful form of affection,
And the sweetest form of pain,
That’s love for me,
That’s the love I learned from you.
Wrote with much yearning and little talent.
I wish to make you mine, all over again,
What more do I need to survive!
I was attaining the whole world's love in you.
Inside me there is a desire ever graceful,
Inside me there is a love ever flowing,
A graceful flowing without an end,
But a failed flowing with no lane.
A flash of happiness was always there, memories.
A moment of sadness was always there, memories.
A Jiffy of smile was always there, memories.
A drop of tear was always there, memories.
You are my love I could have won, but missed.
I have words for you, unspoken, sometimes
I speculate if there are words within you too for me, unspoken
I’ll, by no means know.
Your spoken words, my broken heart,
Memories are just memories,
I’ve to move on,
Will be hard without you, but still... I have to.


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